Clear Your Mind: The Relationship Between Sleep Deprivation and Unwanted Thoughts

September 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — starsleepdenton @ 5:55 pm
a person in bed feeling stressed and restless

Throughout the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s quite easy to neglect getting enough sleep each night. After all, many of us have important responsibilities, exciting hobbies, or other things that eat into our daytime and nighttime schedules and ultimately cut into our rest—including even conditions such as sleep apnea! But few of us actually stop to consider the negative impact that inadequate rest can have on our bodies. While daytime fatigue and excessive sleepiness are often the first symptoms to manifest, did you know that sleep apnea can also inhibit your ability to block out unwanted thoughts? Here’s what you need to know.

What Causes Sleep Deprivation?

Perhaps the biggest cause of sleep deprivation is a condition known as obstructive sleep apnea. This disorder is characterized by blockage of the airway that occurs during sleep due to the collapse of the soft throat tissues, which is also what causes snoring, one of the most observable signs of the condition. Since it essentially blocks the flow of oxygen during sleep, patients must wake up to normalize their breathing—therefore, they end up missing out on continuous REM sleep at night, which is what helps to restore our minds and bodies.

Sleep apnea varies in severity, but the episodes in which patients are stirred from their slumber can occur hundreds of times in a given night. All of this compounded lost sleep can quickly add up and present patients with a wide array of health issues, including even cardiovascular problems.

How Does Not Getting Enough Sleep Lead to Unwanted Thoughts?

Unwanted thoughts aren’t always predictable—sometimes all it takes is someone cutting us off on the highway for our mood to sour and our mind to generate an unpleasant thought. And if this is happening often, the impact it has on our demeanor is quite observable. Usually, the human brain can suppress these thoughts before they become too intrusive or weigh on us—or we can seek out help that allows us to trek on without feeling too down.

However, sleep deprivation drastically impedes our brain’s ability to block out these thoughts. In fact, research shows that those who suffer from sleep apnea experience up to a 50% increase in unwanted thoughts. This is because of the cognitive impairment that is felt as a result of sleep deprivation—to put it simply, if the brain isn’t receiving enough rest, it can’t do its job, part of which is keeping you in a good headspace! That said, studies also show that those patients without sleep apnea (or those who have it under control) who can achieve REM sleep nightly have a much easier time suppressing unwanted thoughts.

So while it’s certainly possible that your neighbor’s barking dog or the sound of a train chugging along in the distant night might be the source of your sleep disruption, if you’re noticing signs and symptoms that might indicate obstructive sleep apnea, it’s in your best interest to seek professional treatment.

About the Practice

The talented team at Star Sleep & Wellness in Denton has proudly assisted patients in Denton, TX, and the surrounding area for several years, offering a wide range of treatments aimed at tackling sleep apnea and other adjacent issues. If you have any questions about the blog or you’d like to set up a visit for you or someone you know, feel free to contact the practice through their website or by phone for additional information or assistance: (469) 772-6721.

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