Snoring Treatment – Denton, TX
Stopping Sleep Disruption
An estimated 44% of men and 28% of women between the ages of 30 and 60 snore. While it’s true that snoring is a common sign of sleep apnea, it doesn’t always mean that you have a sleeping disorder if you snore. Snoring alone is not deemed a serious problem, although it can be an indication of an underlying issue like sleep apnea. This can only be determined by visiting a specialist like ours at Star Sleep & Wellness in Denton for an evaluation. We’ll review your symptoms, determine whether sleep apnea is the root of your issue, and if need be, develop a customized plan for snoring treatment in Denton.
Why Do I Snore?

Snoring is a result of the soft oral tissues and tongue becoming relaxed while asleep, causing either a subtle or loud vibration as air tries to pass through the airway. The relaxation can also cause you to sound as though you’re choking or whistling. Whether you sleep with a partner or alone, snoring can not only impact your life, but it can also indicate more serious sleep disorders if you experience additional symptoms alongside it.
Risk Factors for Snoring

There are several underlying reasons you might snore, most of which shouldn’t cause alarm. Sinus congestion can create blockage that results in loud snoring in Denton, but other risk factors associated with this condition that should be evaluated include:
- Nasal polyps
- Enlarged tongue
- Deviated septum
- Enlarged tonsils or lymphatic tissues
- Excessive alcohol consumption
- Smoking
- Excessive fat accumulation around the neck
Symptoms of Chronic Snoring

A common issue associated with snoring is that it can be so loud that it disrupts yours and your family’s rest, causing the entire household to experience fatigue as a result. Our sleep specialists in Denton can conduct a thorough evaluation, looking at the various symptoms you exhibit to determine whether there’s an underlying cause. Some additional symptoms they may look for include:
- Frequent headaches
- Sore throat
- Mouth breathing
- Choking on air in the middle of the night
- Chronic daytime fatigue
If I Snore, Do I Have Sleep Apnea?

Assuming that snoring is connected to sleep apnea is common, but it’s not true. While it can indicate that you have sleep apnea, there are usually multiple other symptoms that happen in conjunction with it that need to occur in order to receive a sleep apnea diagnosis, like chronic fatigue, gasping for air while asleep, difficulty concentrating, high blood pressure, and depression. Our team at Star Sleep & Wellness in Denton can help identify the root problem of your snoring and offer a comprehensive solution to address it and improve your quality of sleep.
Treatment Options for Snoring

To help with snoring, we offer multiple treatment options, including lifestyle changes like exercise and healthy eating and quitting bad habits like smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. These can help limit the relaxation of your soft oral tissues and tongue, reducing snoring. If you struggle with nasal congestion due to allergies or sickness, treating the issue before it becomes worse can help reduce snoring and waking throughout the night as a result.
Dr. Smith, Dr. Stevenson, and Katie Collier can also work together to develop a plan that addresses underlying causes of your snoring that may not be remedied with lifestyle changes. Snoring can also be a result of stress and mental health problems, and if a sleep study is recommended, our team can dig even deeper into physiological causes and make diagnoses based on their findings. If you are formally diagnosed with a sleep disorder, like OSA, our team offers oral appliance, CPAP, and combination therapy to minimize your symptoms.